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Costa Rica: Disaster Risk Reduction Statement at GP11
Making Cities Resilient: Disaster Risk Reduction Statement at GP11
Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction at GP11
HRB-Costa Rica's Disaster Mgt.wmv
Probability of Financial Disaster in Costa Rica
Uruguay: Statement made at the 2nd Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on DRR
IFRC: Statement made at the Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on DRR
GPDRR 13 IGNITE Stage: Sistema de Alerta Temprana para Riesgos Hidrometeorológicos en Costa Rica
Bhutan: Statement made at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (2013)
UNISDR Deputy Director on DRR, Security and Climate
USAID/OFDA Earthquake-Resiliency Program, "PREPARE" in Costa Rica and Colombia
Cuba Disaster Management.m4v